Landlord Responsibilities in Homeowners Associations

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Here at Thornburg & Associates, Inc., we want to help you with all your real estate needs. If you are looking for a place to rent, we’ll help you find one that suits your needs, and if you are looking to attract a tenant to rent from you, we’ll help you do that too. In this article, we’ll focus on the landlord side of the equation and go over some of the responsibilities associated with belonging to homeowners associations. While different homeowners associations will have different bylaws, we will do our best to cover some of the most common stipulations.

Landlord Responsibilities in Homeowners Associations

  • Inform Tenants of HOA Rules- One of the responsibilities most homeowners associations will expect you to fulfill as a landlord is to inform your tenants of the association’s rules and restrictions. You will typically be required to provide a tenant with copies of your association’s policy before they move in, and to include those rules as part of the rental agreement that tenants must sign–this agreement is legally binding and will make sure that the rules are enforceable.